A. Benzene B. Benzylamine C. Aniline D. None of these
ExamList Latest Questions
A. Calcium B. Fluorine C. Iodine D. Sodium
A. Combustion of fuel B. Electrolysis of acidified water C. Oxidation reaction of cells at anode D. Glowing of a platinum wire
WLAN in Computer Language stands for: (A) Wireless Large Area Network (B) Wireless Local Area Network (C) Wireless Less Area Network (D) Wireless Large Access Network
(A) Asia, Antarctica (B) Asia, Australia (C) Africa, Antarctica (D) Africa, Australia
A. Low molecular mass B. Dipol-dipol interaction C. Hydrogen bonding D. Covalent bonding
[A] Karnataka [B] Gujarat [C] Jharkhand [D] Tamil Nadu