A. End users should NOT be in the development team. Requirements are always communicated to the developers by the Product Owner, who is part of the customer team B. The End User Representative will be solely responsible for acceptance tests ...
ExamList Latest Questions
a. Taxpayers hate math and want someone else to calculate their tax liability. b. A button should calculate the taxpayer’s liability when pressed. c. As a taxpayer, I want to have my tax liability automatically calculated for me, because it ...
A. A product of a professional quality which fits the business need B. A product of almost as good a quality as a Waterfall development C. A product which is barely sufficient for its purpose and deliberately not maintainable D. ...
Roderick S. Washington is the husband of Stacy Washington.
A. Increase B. Decrease C. Constant D. None
(A) Apple (B) Microsoft (C) Samsung (D) Lenovo
(A) It severely damaged American manufacturing. (B) It enriched many cotton plantation owners. (C) It disrupted American shipping. (D) It was ruinous to subsistence farmers. (E) It had little economic impact.