A. 3-6 hours B. 3-6 days C. as long as it takes
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A Scrum Team selects a Product Backlog Item (PBI) for the Sprint Backlog. What must the Development Team do to finish the Product Backlog Item it selects? A. As much as can be done in the Sprint before the deadline. B. As ...
A. All Scrum Teams work towards an integrated Definition of Done. B. Each Scrum Team must define and use their own Definition of Done. C. The Scrum Master defines when the item is Done.
The Development Team determines that it has over-committed itself for a Sprint. Who should be present when reviewing and adjusting the Sprint work? A. The Development Team, the Scrum Master, and the Product Owner. The Stakeholders should be consulted. B. The Development ...
A. We value contract negotiation over customer collaboration. B. We value following a plan over responding to change. C. We value processes and tools over individuals and interaction. D. We value working software over comprehensive documentation.
A Scrum Team is estimating User Stories. The Scrum Master suggests the Planning Poker technique. What is the process of Planning Poker? A. Compare the Story to reference Stories and then estimate it. B. Estimate on your own, then discuss everyone else’s ...
The S of INVEST stands for Small. Which items on the product backlog should be small? A. All items in the Product Backlog B. The items on the top of the Product Backlog C. The items on the bottom of the Product ...
A. The Daily Scrum helps the Scrum Master to update the burn-down chart. B. The Daily Scrum gives the Development Team insight into their progress and their issues. C. The Daily Scrum lets the Product Owner review the progress of ...
An often used best practice is to define User Stories according to the acronym ‘INVEST’. The ‘S’ of ‘INVEST’ means Small. Regarding the User Story in a Sprint, what must be small? A. the number of Sprints needed to realize the User ...