A. Task focused B. Supportive C. Disinterested D. Process oriented
ExamList Latest Questions
A. Evo B. Scrum C. Extreme programming (XP) D. Feature-Driven Development (FDD)
A. Individuals and interactions over people and technique B. Individuals and interactions over projects and tools C. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. D. Individuals and interactions over products and tools
A. Story points B. Function points C. Velocity points D. Work breakdown points
A. Business processes diagramming B. Prioritizing requirements C. Managing the project budget D. All of these
A. End users should NOT be in the development team. Requirements are always communicated to the developers by the Product Owner, who is part of the customer team B. The End User Representative will be solely responsible for acceptance tests ...
A. None. It’s basically the same. Scrum Master (or Team Leader) is just a better term than Project Manager in an Agile project B. The Project Manager creates the detailed delivery plans while the Team Leader monitors execution within the ...
A. A prescribed, fixed iteration (timebox) length B. Iterative development and incremental delivery C. A strict focus on on-time delivery D. A large set of clearly defined roles
A. Agile teams have the empowerment to frequently respond to change and to learn on a project by changing the plan B. The rate of development progress on an Agile project is constantly tracked to allow adaptation C. Project Managers ...
A. Apply standard design patterns B. All of these C. Make refactoring a common practice D. Ensure unit testing is included in the “done” criteria