While reviewing a bar style release Burn-Down chart, a newly appointed Scrum Master observed that the bottom of the bar had moved above the horizontal axis between Sprint 3 and 4. What happened in Sprint 3? A. The Development Team finished less ...
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The Product Backlog is ordered from most valuable to least valuable. There are a few criteria that determine how valuable a Product Backlog Item is. What are these criteria? A. Benefits, Cost, Risks B. Benefits, Cost, Size C. Time on the backlog, ...
Collaboration is the most important parameter for the success of a Scrum Team. What term best describes this type of interaction? A. Distributed team working B. Information radiator sharing C. Osmotic communication
A. Keeping high priority features at the top of the Product Backlog. B. Not allowing changes to the Product Backlog once the Sprint begins. C. Supporting the Development Team’s decisions and resolving their issues.
A customer requests a report that summarizes functionality added and defects found and fixed, right at the end of a Sprint. Who can best prepare this report? A. The Product Owner B. The Scrum Master C. The Development Team D. This type ...
A Scrum Team estimates a Story using the Planning Poker technique. The Team decides to allocate 5 Story Points to a Story because the developers estimated 2 points and the testers estimated 3 points. Which statement is true regarding this scenario? A. ...
A Team is transitioning into Scrum. They already had a role called Project coordinator, who facilitates interactions, removes roadblocks and acts as the process coach of the Team. What should this role be called after the transition? A. Project coordinator B. Project ...
In the past 8 Sprints, the Scrum Team has completed 85 story points worth of work altogether. The Scrum Team has been asked to start working on a new project which is estimated at 64 story points. How many Sprints would ...
A. The booking of a room needs to be done in advance for the duration of the Sprint. B. The constant time and place is best for continuity of the Scrum framework. C. The Project Manager needs to get the ...
A. Fast B. Increasing C. Sustainable