A. Flux B. Slag C. A reducing agent D. An oxidising agent
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A. Hydration energy B. Electron affinity C. Atomic size D. Atomic mass
A. Alkanamine B. Alkanoic acid C. Alkanamide D. Alkanone
A. 2.5 B. 0.5 C. 2 D. 1.5
A. Acid B. Base C. Neutral D. Amphoteric
A. Its high density B. Its high polishing C. Its chemical inertness D. Presence of free electrons
A. It hydrolyses the aci B. It decomposes the acid C. Acid forms hydrates with water D. Acid decomposes water
A. Burns to form soot B. Gives PH3 which form smoke C. Immediately catches fire in air D. Is a gas which brings tears in eyes
A. Presence of phosphate unit B. Presence of base unit C. Presence of nucleic acid D. None of these
(A) increases (B) decreases (C) accelerate (D) do not have any effect on