Find the odd one out.
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(A) so (B) too (C) such (D) so such
The divisive issue — the group, half of them seemed strongly for it and other half strongly against it. (A) Circumscribed (B) Assuaged (C) Polarised (D) Castigated
Locate the correct alternative Q: No sooner (A) /they had received the guests (B) / than they began entertaining them. (C) /No error (D)
Locate the correct alternative Q: My mother and myself (A) / did the entire (B) / household jobs yesterday. (C) / No error (D
Find the odd one out. (A) Xenophobe (B) Misogynist (C) Philantropist (D) Misanthrope
Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase. Q: 15th August, 1947 is a red letter day for all Indians. (A) A historical event (B) A memorable task (C) A particularly significant day (D) The Day of Independence
Find out the alternative which best substitutes the underlined word. Q: I saw him as old, corrupt and irretrievably evil. (A) Inertly (B) Irredeemably (C) Irresolutely (D) Irreproachably
Find out the alternative which best substitutes the underlined word. Q: Scales of Justice are maintained in harmony by a sensitive mechanism adjusted with such nicety that they record the minutes of evidence. (A) Cohesion (B) Symbiosis (C) Unison (D) Balance