If gas A has a molar mass greater than that of gas B and samples of each gas at identical temperatures and pressures contain equal numbers of molecules, then a. the volumes of gas A and gas B are equal. b. ...
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A) The mRNA is translated from 5’ to the 3’ end B) The mRNA is translated from 3’ to 5’ end C) During transcription, the mRNA is synthesized in the 3’à5’ direction D) A and C are both true E) ...
a. measured at constant temperature and pressure. b. that equal 1 L. c. that equal 22.4 L. d. measured at STP.
(A) stratosphere (B) mesosphere (C) troposphere (D) thermosphere
a. temperature b. pressure c. temperature and pressure d. molar mass
(A) 72% (B) 79% (C) 92% (D) 99%
a. the number of grams of each substance. c. molar volume. b. volume. d. density.
a. 1 atm. b. 760 atm. c. 101.325 atm. d. 101 atm.
a. Charles’s law. b. Boyle’s law. c. Avogadro’s law. d. zero.
(A) 1.0% (B) 2.5% (C) 5.0% (D) 7.50%