A. Run out of oxygen B. Accumulation of creatine C. Muscles collapse D. All of these
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A. Neurocoel B. Blastocoel C. Enterocoel D. Schizocoel
A. Gastric cells B. Goblet cells C. Oxyntic cells D. Peptic cells
A. Tendon B. Ligament C. Epithelial tissue D. Nervous tissue
A. Narrow lumen B. Valves to control direction of flow of blood towards the heart C. Strong muscular walls D. Valves to control direction of flow of blood opposite to the heart
A. Enthalpy B. Entropy C. Steady-state D. Homeostasis
A. Indian bison B. Indian lion C. Indian rhinoceros D. Indian elephant
A. 6 feet B. 18 feet C. 22 feet D. 32 feet
A. Osteology B. Neurology C. Acrology D. Conchology
A. Production of milk B. Absorption of fats C. Secretion of lactic acid D. None of the above