A. Purkinje fibres B. Myonemes C. Collagen fibres D. Telodendrites
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A. Elephant B. Horse C. Musk deer D. Rat
A. Passive absorption B. Ultrafiltration C. Selective reabsorption D. Both b and c
A. Collecting tubule B. Urinary bladder C. Bowman’s capsule D. Loop of Henle
A. Contractile vacuole B. Food vacuole C. Plasma lemma D. All
A. Red muscles B. White muscles C. Bone D. Cartilage
A. A-band B. I-band C. H-zone D. None
A. Cerebrum B. Cerebellum C. Medulla D. Crura cerebri
A. Blood circulation B. Respiration C. Excretion D. Learning and memory
A. Bayliss B. Starling C. Banting and Best D. None