A. Excretory system B. Reproductive system C. Nervous system D. Muscular system
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A. Rectal glands B. Green glands C. Sweat glands D. Lacrymal gland
A. Pronephrons B. Mesonephrons C. Metanephrons D. Opisthonephrons
A. Blepharoplast B. Rhizoplast C. Parabasal body D. Cilium
A. Above alimentary canal B. Below alimentary canal C. Side of alimentary canal D. None
A. Fore brain B. Mid brain C. Hind brain D. Cerebral hemisphere
A. Pineal gland B. Thyroid C. Adrenal D. Hypothalamus
A. Aristotle B. Theophrastus C. Lamark D. Lamark and Traviranus
A. Osteology B. Neurology C. Acrology D. Conchology
A. Robert Koch B. A.V. Leeuwenhoek C. W.H. Stanley D. Louis Pasteur