A. Polycythemia B. Glycosuria C. Hyperglycemia D. Hypoglycemia
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A. Pancreas B. Kidney C. Heart D. Liver
A. Oesophagus B. Stomach C. Small intestine D. Caecum and appendix
A. Rennin B. Caesin C. Galactose D. Glycine
A. Sporozoic B. Parasitic C. Holozoic D. Holophytic
A. Secretin B. Cholecystokinin C. Enterogastron D. Enterocinin
A. changes of prothrombin to thrombin B. synthesis of prothrombin C. changes of fibrinogen to fibrin D. formation of thromboplastin
A. Intake of oxygen B. Liberation of oxygen C. Liberation of cabon dioxide D. Liberation of energy
A. Pelvic girdle B. Intercostal muscle C. Biceps muscles D. None of them
A. Chloride shift B. Calcium shift C. Nitrogen shift D. None