A. Cyanobacteria B. Sea-fan C. Saccharomyces D. Blue-green algae
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A. Adolf Engler B. Karl Pranti C. George Bentham D. Julian Huxley
A. Porifera and coelenterata B. Coelentarata and Echinodermata C. Arthropoda and Mollusca D. Coelentarata and Platyhelminthes
A. Silver fish B. Puffer fish C. Flying fish D. Cuttle fish
A. Buccal cavity B. Intestine C. Oesophagus D. Stomach
A. Only WBCs B. More RBCs and fewer WBCs C. More WBCs and fewer RBCs D. Both
A. Glandular B. Ciliated C. Sqamous D. Cuboidal
A. Digestive B. Lymphoid C. Secretory D. Excretory
A. Isthmus of the gland B. Neck of the tubular gland C. Base of the tubular region D. All of the above
A. Saliva and gastric juice B. Saliva and pancreatic juice C. Gasric and pancreatic juice D. Gastric and duodenal juice