A. Bile B. Sperms C. Ova D. Urine
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A. Oesophagus B. Stomach C. Ileum D. Duodenum
A. HCl acid is too dilute B. The epithelial cells are resistant to the action of HCl acid C. HCl is neutralised by alkaline gastric juice D. The epithelial cells are covered with a mucous secretion
A. Pancreatic juice B. Saliva C. Gastric juice D. Bile
A. Incisor B. Canine C. Premolar D. Molar
A. Galactose B. Gluconic acid C. B-methyl galactoside D. Sucrose
A. epiglottis B. soft palate C. glottis D. hard palate
A. Ectoderm B. Mesoderm C. Endoderm D. None
A. Citric acid B. Fumaric acid C. Malic acid D. Oxalo-acetic acid
A. There is more oxygen B. There is less oxygen C. The air is free from pollution D. More heat is needed to warm the body