A. They have enzyme cellulose in their stomach B. They masticate it well by chewing teeth C. They have bacteria in their alimentary canal which digest cellulose D. None of the above
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A. Emulsification B. Oxidation C. Dehydrogenation D. Hydration
A. lipase B. bile pigments C. bile salts D. pancreatic juice
A. Caecum B. Oral lining and tongue surface C. Vermiform appendix and rectum D. Duodenum
A. Nostrils B. Trachea C. Bronchus D. Alveoli
A. Larynx B. Pharynx C. Syrinx D. Trachae
A. Increase in number B. Decrease in number C. Increase in size D. Decrease in size
A. Prepare blood B. Eliminate urea C. Prepare antitoxin D. Destroy bacteria
A. Elephant B. Amphiuma C. Python D. Ostrich
A. Eosinophils B. Monocytes C. Neutrophils D. Basophils