A. Predation B. Cutting down of forests C. Destruction of habitats D. Hunting
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A. Stanier & Van Niel B. Haeckel C. Whittaker D. Leeuwenhoek
A. Peripatus B. Latimaria C. Archaeopteryx D. Sphenodon
A. Chyle B. Haemoconis C. Serum D. Thrombus
A. Bichat B. Malpighi C. Ruysh D. Mayer
A. Bile pigments B. Bile salts C. Pancreatic juice D. HCL
A. Gastric juice in stomach B. Kidneys C. Pancreatic juice D. Liver
A. Alkaline medium in the duodenum B. Hormone C. Enzyme D. Iron
A. Herbivorous B. Frugivorous C. Sanguivorous D. Scavengers
A. Acidic B. Alkaline C. Neutral D. None of these