A. Protozoa B. Porifera C. Annelida D. Mollusca
ExamList Latest Questions
A. Excretion B. Respiration C. Digestion D. Egestion
A. Larynx B. Organ of Jacobson C. Organ of Corti D. Syrinx
Asked: July 26, 2021In: Zoology
A. Pharynx B. Larynx C. Glottis D. Epiglottis
A. Carbon dioxide and water B. Citric acid C. Lactic acid D. Pyruvic acid
A. epiglottis B. soft palate C. glottis D. hard palate
A. indigestion B. jaundice C. diarrhoea D. vomiting
A. Protein and starch B. Starch and fat C. Fat and cellulose D. Starch and cellulose