A. Liver B. Spleen C. Precaval D. Systemic arch
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A. Enzyme cascade theory B. Hyman theory C. Flud & Spiro theory D. Huxley theory
A. Elephant B. Whale C. Mouse D. Man
A. Right atrium and ventricle B. Left atrium and ventricle C. Both auricles D. Both ventricles
A. Erythroblastosis B. Haemophilia C. Erythropoisis D. Hematuria
A. Harvey B. Landsteiner C. Aristotle D. Mendel
A. Cisterna chyle B. Throcic duct C. Lymph heart D. None
A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four
A. Haemocyanin B. Haemoglobin C. Haemoerythrin D.chlorocruonin
A. Portal circulation B. Coonary circulation C. Lymphatic circulation D. Renal circulation