Locate the correct alternative Q: No sooner (A) /they had received the guests (B) / than they began entertaining them. (C) /No error (D)
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A word is highlighted. Choose a word from the given alternatives which has nearly opposite meaning to the given word. Q: She gave an equivocal reply. (A) Unbiased (B) Unambiguous (C) Rude (D) Pert
Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase. Q: 15th August, 1947 is a red letter day for all Indians. (A) A historical event (B) A memorable task (C) A particularly significant day (D) The Day of Independence
Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase. Q: The crowd was up in arms when the minister was caught in a scam. (A) Help (B) Pain (C) Angry (D) Supporting
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The divisive issue — the group, half of them seemed strongly for it and other half strongly against it. (A) Circumscribed (B) Assuaged (C) Polarised (D) Castigated
(A) so (B) too (C) such (D) so such
The fans — were when their team lost its fourth match in a row. (A) Irascible (B) Precipitous (C) Despondent (D) Rapacious