a. An addition (to the Constitution). b. The Preamble to the Constitution. c. An introduction. d. The beginning of the Declaration of Independence.
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a. December 31 b. February 1 c. June 1 d. April 15
a. Jack Nicholson 1. Sophie’s Choice b. Meryl Streep 2. Thelma and Louise c. Susan Sarandon 3. Five Easy Pieces d. Danny DeVito 4. Tax
a. Decides if a law goes against the Constitution. b. Reviews laws. c. Resolves disputes. d. All of the above.
a. Bill Basie 1. The Boss b. Sarah Vaughan 2. Old Blue Eyes c. Frank Sinatra 3. Sassy d. Bruce Springsteen 4. The Count
a. New Brunswick b. Princeton c. Trenton
a. All people of the state in which (s)he was elected. b. All people of the state who belong to the Senator’s political party. c. The state legislatures. d. Only the people in the state who voted for the Senator.
a. The President b. The Vice President c. The Senate d. The House of Representatives
a. Wilson b. Taft c. Cleveland d. McKinley